25 April 2007

to you moms

This is just to let you know that when you come up to me and ask for a favor because your kid won't "learn" from you I don't believe you and I think that you are totally not doing your job as a parent. There I said it (in the anonymity of the interweb).

Your kid learns from you all the time, especially when you aren't looking. So if your kid is acting up, it really is your fault: because in my experience most kids are very understanding if you treat them like people and talk to them rather than yelling at them all the time. Of course the kid won't sit still when you forcibly have her sit with you then try to drill some boring bit of "knowledge" into her brain. You're not being any fun and are scary, so the kid will try to get away. Also, comparing your child to someone else is not going to make him try harder, so quit it. Your kid is friggin' unique for a very good reason. Let him be that way.

That being said hugs and great big smiles work wonders, as do words of encouragement and appreciation. A "good job" , 'thank you', 'your so special' work wonders on most kids. But see you have to know when to praise and when to teach. If your kid is doing something wrong don't yell at her, but don't praise her for being your perfect princess either. Teach her in a gentle, understanding manner.

So, no, I will not teach your kid manners and I definitely am not potty training that monster you call a two year old. But if I see your kid doing something stupid I'm calling him and you on it. So heads up!

Good luck with everything!

23 April 2007


It's the habit of yours to walk slowly.
You hold grudge for years.
With such heaviness, how can you be modest?
With such detachments, do you expect to arrive anywhere?

Be wide as the air to learn a secret.
Right now your're equal portions clay
and water, thick mud.

Abraham learned how the sun and the moon and the stars all set.
He said, No longer will I try to assign partners for God

You are so weak. Give up to grace.
The ocean takes care of each wave till it gets to shore.
You need more help than you know.
You're trying to live your life in open scaffolding.
Say Bismillah, In the name of God,
as the priest does with a knife when he offers an animal.

Bismillah your old self
to find your real name.
It's time to start again. Can't go forward until the past is let go. I just found my Rumi book o' poems, Bismillah struck a chord. So...
Let's move forward....Bismillah