03 May 2007

Disgruntled? Of course not! I'm completely gruntled.

OH MY GOD! How much am I hating my job right now? Now don't get me wrong. The job in and of itself is good. I like what I do. The actual job, when there is something to do is great. I like working with people. The counseling and the testing and the educating...great. What I am completely HATING is the coordinator. A friend once told me that I was passive-aggressive, that I never just came out and said what I was thinking or feeling or whatever. I agree that at that particular time with that particular person I exhibited passive-aggressive tendencies. Fine. I own up to that, but my behavior was nothing compared to that of my supervisor. Seriously, it's as though there is always something that can be done better or was not done correctly...by me. Case in point: I had failed to check a specific box on a form in a particular chart. She was entering the chart into the system. When she came across that she called me away from my ACTUAL JOB for me to fix it. That may not seem bad, everybody makes mistakes right? Right. I'm not perfect, and neither is she...which she would know if I ever pointed out all of the slight clerical errors in her paperwork. Now this may seem childish, but she is forever ragging on everybody else. So and so did this wrong. So and so can't fill out a form. Ugh! Sly and manipulative. I thought I had met every sort of person, but I had never met anyone like her. I learned yesterday that she has been complaining to our supervisor about my lack of work ethic. ME! Seriously! I cannot believe this. There is such a strong possibility that this woman will get me in trouble that I get stressed out! I haven't been able to move my neck for the last two days! Yes, I'm using exclamation points! Don't even start! Also, she is forever trying to show me how smart she is. Ummm....I don't care! I so cannot wait until I get my degree and move onto what I am really supposed to do with my life.

It's karma.
I should have told my sister how much I love and respect her, but I never did. Now, it's too late. I should have told my friends the importance they held in my life, but I didn't and now...well...

Oh...Lord...please let this my acceptance come soon! I also want to win the lottery, and get my book published.

Oh, and to complete this week! Yes. The whole wedding, getting married thing is a go. I don't know how I can get myself out of this one.

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