23 February 2006

Big Damn Heroes, Sir

Those of you that really know me know that I am a closet scifi/action adventure fan. You know that I love shows like Buffy, Angel, and Fire Fly...and even some of the Star Trek series like TNG and DS9.

I also love TV in general, and I owe my very generic American accent and general inane knowledge to American television. I am never ever ever going to rag on TV. How can you not like something that gives you CNN, E!, Disney's, Discover, and the History Channel at your finger tips. I can learn about the world, history, celebrity gossip, and family friendly this is not the real world stuff. With satellite TV, I can even watch foreign channels!

There have been times in my life where I have been without TV access. (horrors) At that time I had to rely on recaps from a wonderful website called Television Without Pity. It is an awesome site and the recappers really love the stuff they do. Recently they put up a recap on the movie on the movie Serenity which is based on the show Firefly. Firefly was prematurely cancelled from the Fox Networks line up. The fan base was strong though so they came out with the movie. I saw the movie and it was enjoyable. TWOP has been kind enough to recap it here. I was so excited to see this, so I thought I would share. They have included just the right amount of snark and reverence.

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