24 February 2006

Ports, Dubai and Security

Recently, there has been a great uproar over a takeover of a British firm that controls certain ports in the United States. This in itself shouldn't be something to go batty over, but the takeover/merger is by the Arab emirate of Dubai. Ports all over the United States are handled by foreign companies and no one has yet to say anything about them, but the moment an Arab company buys the British company ( the Brits will still be controlling the port, their parent company will just be in Dubai and not England) everyone is screaming about national security.

It is understood on many levels that the ports of our country could stand to be more secure, but we mustn't be so closed minded as to think that this one merger will put our security in any danger.

The Washington Post and the New York Times have opposite stands on the issue. Make up your own mind.

I agree that we need to take steps in being more secure, but maybe we should not be picking on one of the few allies we have in that region.


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