10 March 2006

Oh, what a beautiful day!

After the chilly, bleak gray day that was yesterday, today is a truly drop-down-on-your knees-and -thank- God -for- giving- you -senses days. It is beautiful outside not too hot or too cold. Not too windy or too still. The people are smiling and the birds are chirping and life is wonderful.

But then one stops and wonders about the plight of those less fortunate, whether they are here, in the US, and cannot afford their medications; or whether they are stuck in the strife in Darfur. I pray for them, but what good is prayer without true action. We could get the word out. Talk to people and open their eyes to what atrocities go on under this beautiful sun. What happens though when the people refuse to let their eyes be opened. They live in chosen ignorance and that cannot be a good for a people that live in a global village. I hope to someday go out into the world and help those that need help, but hopefully while I'm here I can help locally. Maybe you will, too.

This doesn't make today less beautiful, but it makes me more thankful for what I have and how much I can potentially help.

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