05 July 2006


I have so much to do. Papers to write, languages to learn and I simply cannot motivate myself to actually sit down and start. I love the idea of finishing things before deadline, but I always do things last minute, just because I can't get motivated early enough to finish things.

For those of you wondering the table tennis tournament was a success, snaps are up.
Happy belated fourth to all. We missed the fireworks this year due to technical difficulties that I will not go into, because it will just upset me.



teachndoc said...

Studies have shown that studying "12 – 14 or even 16hrs a day" not only does not actually help with the learning process but can be detrimental to it, because the person studying does not take time to give the brain a rest and the body much needed exercise.
People learn best in short spurts, so as to give the brain enough time to process the concepts especially if the concepts are complex.
I cannot and have not studied in libraries since sophomore year(save one misguided exception), because in the library (especailly during finals week), the anxiety of all the other students is so high that I can actually feel it.

"I don’t know if you have a boy friend. But remember doctors get the best guys. A girl who is a doctor is assumed to be more feminine then a girl who is not. Guys get more attracted towards a doctor girl."
You're obviously just making this up. =D Besides it doesn't matter.
Once in medical school, I don't plan on having a life.

Thanks for trying to be supportive though.

teachndoc said...

Studying has never been a burden to me.

Oh yes I get the humor.

7-8 hours is reasonable...I guess.

Should you fire someone that stays with you through the bad times as well as the good?