22 August 2007


Here's the thing.

I've been doing this HIV presentation thing for almost a year now. One would think that I would have the giggles and slips of the tongue under control. Yeah one would think. I still feel like a complete adolescent when someone asks what a dental dam is and I have to explain. Ugh the agony...or when I'm being totally completely serious and telling the crowd that they must take charge of their lives. Being HIV free is their choice. If they don't get educated they are playing with themselves and their lives...this got a really big laugh...they rolled on the floors y'all and it took me a while to get it.
I thank God for MAC, and that I'm not fair complexioned. Meanwhile, I think this is one my best presentations.

Other things that have gone wrong? Well there was that tire of mine that blew out. That was fun. My transcript thing isn't settle even thought I've been assured that it's an A I got in the class and not an F (an F in and ethics course what does that say about me?) ...there's also some stuff about betrayal and what not but then you'll accuse me of being all drama.

Thesis research is coming along nicely. Applications to my various schools have been sent out. After a wicked busy summer, I'll be settling into a wicked busy fall. Serenity Collectors Edition is out and I should get mine soon! I've two copies so if you want one just ask and I'll give it you.

Get onto facebook and add me as a friend if you are serious about keeping in touch. I'm excited about Golden Jubilee. Hopefully I will be able to serve this year. It doesn't matter in what capacity as long as I can do something useful.

This is a magical year, y'all. Let's make the most of it.

Ye dil tum bin kahee lag ta nahi hum kya kare?

1 comment:

Ganga Fondan said...

I like how you said in your profile that you do not want to engage in sad things. That is how I feel about songwriting. :) Keep on spreading that positive vibe!!! Peace.